Friday 9 October 2015

Planning for photoshoot

For my photo shoot, I plan to use a student who is aged roughly 14 who is entering into their GCSE year. This is because it shows the anticipation for  young student to enter into the two most important school years in secondary school. I also chose this age period because GCSEs are sat by everyone when going through secondary school and could therefore be a relatable topic to a target audience.

For the photo shoot I will use an iPhone 6 Plus as the quality of the image will be a lot better and it easy to transfer the photos onto the computer once they have been taken.

The student will be wearing a blazer and shirt of St Gregory's school to show an example of a smart and well dressed student. It will also convey someone who is caring of their appearance and wants to be a good representative of their school.

The facial expression of the cover model must be smiling and excited to suggest that they are eager to start their school year as an older student with more responsibility. Also, if their smiling it gives off a warm feeling for the magazine and would encourage customers to purchase the magazine.

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