Thursday 21 April 2016

Who would be the audience for your media product?

When thinking about the ideal target audience for my music magazine, I had to consider many different factors such as who would be more likely to purchase a magazine and where it would be more successful.

I decided that the ideal age would be between the late teens and twenties, this is a range that could differ in interests and social habits but I believe it is suitable for the kind of magazine that I am promoting which is house music. The choice of age group is further important when evaluating the price of the magazine, it has to be made affordable because of the ages of the audience. Also, from the feedback gained from questionnaires, I can be confident that the price of 1.99 is reasonable and practical for this age range.

I'd believe that my target audience would be mainly young girls how it may also contain a mixture of males because I don't want to be stereotypical and promote it more for one more than the other. This could narrow my audience and therefore I have included more masculine colours to coincide with the female attributes of the magazine. An example would be the background colour of my front cover being a blue colour that is linked with men more so then woman.

Another thing to consider when talking about my target audience is quite obviously the different tastes in music. I think that my target audience would generally like dance and DJ styled music or that of similar styles. What is known as ‘mainstream music’ is generically played on the radio and therefore hopefully my magazine has an element of authenticity and uniqueness that it can use to fill in a gap in the market. 

I think the main aim for me with my target audience is to reach a group of people that has an appreciation of music because often a target audience is chosen by image, whereas the reality is that it has to go past this and fit more detailed into a persons preferences and likes.

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