Monday 30 November 2015

Plan for my photoshoot- Front Cover

My Photo shoot

For my photo shoot, I have arranged for two potential cover models to come to my house and I will use my camera to take photos of them in front of a screen. I will also use studio lights to exaggerate the face of my model.


I have two potential models for my magazine. This is two girls who are all within the age range of 15-17. This means I can take a range of different shots using my models and can have a wider choice when it comes to deciding my Cover photo, contents page photo and my double page spread photo.

Make up and Clothing

For the hair make up and clothing, I will have the girls wearing ripped jeans to symbolise the youth and trendy side of the teenage age group as these are a current fashion trend of my target audience. Also, I will make them wear pink headphones that may feature on the front so I can show the link of colour when I start to edit text on my cover. The make up will be subtle but glamorous to attract girls to find out more about how to get the latest styles of hair and make up.
Different image suggestions

The front cover will include my model wearing bright headphones and looking happy whilst listening to her music. They will have facial glitter which is common festival make up and can highlight the theme of festivals which will be my double spread feature. Therefore it will show the correlation between the cover line and model which will also be my double page spread. I want my model to try a rang of poses including one of her looking back over her shoulder. This will emphasise her power and authority as a girl. I will then try other angles of her sitting and looking happy whilst being relaxed listening to her music.
Another style of photo will include a model holding a iPhone over her mouth. the iPhone will have a picture of a mouth with a mouth doing a different pose. This would show the youth of the magazine as an iPhone is a common phone used by all teenagers and is popular.
Lastly, I would like to try a close up of my models face with her holding a disposable camera. This as a prop is relatable to my target audience who have attended festivals and would be intrigued to read more about them. This could be effective as it will feature a prominent prop yet still be able to portray a happy girl.

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